Those of you who’ve been following StartupSac for a while are familiar with cofounder Laura Good’s poem, A Startup Christmas Story, first published on our blog in 2015. This time of year, we usually republish it for your delight. However this December, given that AI is capturing everyone’s attention, we asked ChatGPT to update it.

Below is the finished product, based on Laura’s original poem. We made a few edits to the ChatGPT version for style. It’s cadence isn’t as true to the original, “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement C. Moore (better known as “Twas the Night Before Christmas” as Laura’s Version 1.0 was, but we still think you’ll like it!

A Startup Christmas Story 2.0
by Laura Good and ChatGPT

‘Twas the night before Christmas, in Sacramento’s embrace,
Startup founders were dreaming, setting the pace.

In the world of tech, where the hustle is real,
They aimed for success, a magical feel.

No 9-to-5 here, just a ceaseless quest,
Energy abounds, pushing through every test.

Lean and agile, in customer discovery,
Validation machines, their goal to be.

Data-driven minds, in a constant concern,
Pivoting decisions, what lessons to discern?

In AI’s embrace, platforms reborn with cheer,
Startups remix their dreams, coding the frontier.

A growth hacker sought, a domain to kill,
Scaling the heights, chasing a thrill.

Vision intact, Unicorns in their sight,
The next Uber of X, oh, the dreams took flight.

As the year drew to close, a reflective glance,
Leveraging networks, seeking a chance.

Passions ablaze, spirits on high,
Attitudes shifting, reaching for the sky.

Roadmap in hand, pointing the way,
Series A dreams, they’re here to stay.

Sacramento’s startup spirit, a festive delight,
Merry Christmas to founders, pushing innovation’s height!