1 Million Cups Sacramento continues to bring out good presenters and good attendance at the weekly Wednesday morning events. Last Wednesday we heard from BarProse and eHarvestHub.  Check them out  below.

This Week’s Startups at 1 Million Cups

This Wednesday’s edition of 1 Million Cups Sacramento will feature ProPlanr and Teen S Team + Afterschool STEAM Program. Proplanr is a planning and collaboration task management software system for teams. Teen S Team+ After School STEAM Programs works with Teen, work in Teams, encourage greater self-S-teem and provide STEAM education

Each presentation lasts 6 minutes followed by a 20 minute Q&A with the audience. Join us for coffee and networking Wednesday morning at 9:00am at 801 K Street, 28th floor.

Last Week’s Presentations from BarProse and eHarvestHub

BarProse teaches students to write better bar essays with personalized feedback and suggestions. Our online platform is easy to use, fast, affordable, and unique from any other service on the market.

eHarvestHub helps small-to-mid size farmers and Owner/Operator (O/O) truckers connect directly to help them increase their profits.