The Sacramento startup community is a vibrant, growing ecosystem of startups, events, meetups, incubators, VCs, and support organizations. But many local entrepreneurs and startup founders are unaware of many programs that can help them, or they may be uncertain as to what programs and resources are most appropriate for them at the stage they’re at.

As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, StartupSac organized a virtual, online guided tour of the Sacramento entrepreneurial community, exploring the journey typical entrepreneurs might take, led by the Lean Innovator, Dan Casas-Murray. Dan walked us through a typical scenario of what a typical startup founder needs from the early idea stage, to making important connections, and learning valuable skills to develop a product and identify a market for that product.

We also heard from local entrepreneurs as they shared their stories of getting connected to the resources and programs available to entrepreneurs in the Sacramento area. Check it all out in the video below.