There is a new cybersecurity training program sponsored by the City of Sacramento. The program, sponsored by the City of Sacramento and CARES Act funds from the State of California is meant to re-skill workers and students impacted by COVID-19.

This SacCARES Cybersecurity Career Accelerator is the only free, all-inclusive cybersecurity workforce development program with desired industry-standard certification training by CompTIA, AI-based cybersecurity concept-driven projects, Cyber Battle Rooms games, real-world scenarios, small group hands-on workshops with industry experts, including mentorship and study groups, as well as internship & apprenticeship opportunities, to truly prepare our students for a job in cybersecurity, at a 70% faster rate than the traditional education path.

Take the fast-track to a rewarding career in cybersecurity. Become a part of the new generation of cyber defenders.

Registration is now open!