The  NBA is resuming the 2019-2020 season this week sans fans in the stands. It’s a tiny slice of kinda normal and it brings with it some good news for our Startup community — Kings Capitalize is back! You may remember that back in March we were just a week away from the Final Four competing for $10K when the NBA announced the season was on hold due to the pandemic. The Kings put the 5th Annual Kings Capitalize Startup competition on hold as well. Today they announced that it’s back on and fans can vote for their favorite startup on either the website or on twitter. Learn how here. The winner of the $10,000 prize will be announced during the Kings vs Mavericks game on August 4. Best of luck to the four contenders!

  • Drinjk Wines offers the largest selection of single-serve wines in the USA.
  • Humanly streamlines candidate screening and scheduling for companies with high applicant volume.
  • Sama Learning’s marketplace for virtual reality courses puts the power of VR, AI and education science into the hands of instructors to unlock students’ learning potential.
  • Sparck is a personalized employee engagement and recognition platform that understands each person is unique in how they feel valued. 

Did you catch the big announcement last week? HaneyBiz launched the Sacramento Growth Factory (SGF) to take a hands on approach to supporting entrepreneurs from the Greater Sacramento region. SGF is a growth consulting service that helps early stage startups and small businesses to rapidly scale. They are currently accepting applications; you can learn more about it here.

This Week’s Best Bet

StartupSac & Carlsen Center Happy Hour with Nicholas Haystings, Tue, Jul 28 at 5 PM  StartupSac, the Carlsen Center, and DiverseCity Ventures are collaborating to bring you a social impact focused event. Our featured guest is social impact entrepreneur Nicholas Haystings, founder and Executive Director of Square Root Academy.

There’s a lot more going on in the Sacramento Startup Community–check out the details in this week’s Startup Digest. If you want to submit items for consideration, use this link. And for even more startup information, happenings and resources, visit the StartupSac Website.

Missing connecting with other founders? Request to join the StartupSac Community Facebook Group, a place where startup founders and those who support the growth of our startup ecosystem can connect and exchange ideas.