Happy Thanksgiving! Take some time this week to reflect on what you are grateful for. My list includes my family, my friends and my community.
There’s not a lot going on this week. However if you missed out on any of the Global Entrepreneurship Week events last week, you can view the livestreams on demand for many of the sessions. Just check out the Carlsen Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Sac State’s LinkedIn page.
Global Entrepreneurship Week Highlights
Spark Venture Competition. Watch the winning pitches in this annual competition! Congratulations to BrainScanology (for-profit track) and Scopi Medical (social impact track) for winning first place in their tracks! They each took home $7500! Second place prizes of $2500 each went to LogRX and Vest Life.
Sacramento Entrepreneurial State of Union featuring keynote speaker, Jason Grill, in a presentation and fireside chat. Jason discussed the Right to Start and its framework for “unleashing entrepreneurial opportunity for everyone, we all benefit from more homegrown jobs, higher incomes, greater productivity, lower inequality, stronger communities, and less poverty.” In addition to the keynote, this event elevated various elements of how we as a Greater Sacramento region can remove barriers to ensure all in our region have the right to start a business through an empowering panel discussion.
Gaining Traction and Growing Your Startup. A panel of founders who have experienced the early stage startup journey, have raised capital, and built teams to grow a successful venture shared their experience. Moderated by Brook Van Sant with Moneta Ventures. The panel included Camille Richman, cofounder and CEO of Hamama,Jessie Becker Alexander, cofounder and past CEO of Alydia Health, Ray Weisberg, cofounder and CEO of EyeRate.
Opportunity & Possibility – The Pathway to Success with Kwame Anku. Kwame delivered an inspirational talk that explored the concept of opportunity and possibility as a mindset to creating success. Kwame is the CEO and Chairman of the Black Star Fund, an early stage innovation fund. Prior to the Black Star Fund, Kwame co-founded and served as Principal of the Black Angel Tech Fund, a pioneering fund that focused on capitalizing Black technology entrepreneurs.
Ready to Get Serious About Entrepreneurship?
If global entrepreneurship week inspired you to become an entrepreneur or to get serious about moving your business forward, joining the 2023 Cohort of the Sacramento Entrepreneurship Academy could be the best next step for you! This comprehensive entrepreneurship program meets in person on Saturday mornings. Sessions will start January 14, 2023 and conclude on May 6, 2023. Applications are due by December 10, 2022. Learn more here.
What’s coming up in our community! Check out the events highlighted below and for a full listing, check out this week’s Startup Digest! While you’re there, you can sign up to receive the digest in your inbox every Monday morning!
Application Deadlines
- Sacramento Entrepreneurship Academy – Apply by Dec 10
- Intro To Lean Startup: NSF I-Corps Method – Apply by Jan 6
Upcoming Events
Turn your Dream into Action with the Business Model Canvas, Tue, Nov 22, 10 – 11 AM, Online
Learn how to use the Business Model Canvas to turn your idea into action. This tool allows you to capture the key ingredients of your business idea and how it will work, on a single page using a rigorous, thoughtful process.
Made Studio Free Workday with Small Business Consulting, Wed, Nov 30, 10 AM – 5 PM, at Made Studios in Sacramento
Come to Made Studio for a no-cost day pass to work in our workspace. Join us for a small business consulting talk and open discussion with Gina. The optional small business talk starts at 10:30 am. Join the community in an open forum discussion about business.
Startup Holiday Party, Thu, Dec 8, 6-9 PM at Granite City Coworking in Folsom
Startup Folsom is hosting a holiday party for startups, free-lancers, and entrepreneurs! Please bring a canned good or non-perishable food item for the Folsom Twin Lakes Food Bank. Granite City Coworking will have a no host bar featuring beer and wine.
Startup 101 | Fundraise Every Day of Your Life!, Tue, Dec 13, 11:30 AM – 1 PM, Online
Fundraising is the key to navigate the startup valley of death. Gain insights to prepare you for fundraising as an entrepreneur. Learn advanced techniques, check-lists, search techniques, and preparation methods to seek grants, SBA loans, SBDC opportunities, crowdfunding, donor management, private equity, venture capital, angel investment & more.
Looking to connect with others? Join the StartupSac Community Facebook Group! Startup founders and those who support the growth of our startup community connect and exchange ideas in this private moderated group.
Check out the StartupSac Website for information on resources available to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses.
Startup Photo of the Week

David Nguyen, cofounder of BrainScanology, with his first place Spark Venture Competition award of $7500!