During Global Entrepreneurship Week Sacramento 2023, presented by Western Health Advantage, we are excited to bring you a panel discussion looking at the circular economy and how we can invest in building a cleaner and greener tomorrow. This event is brought to you in partnership with the Carlsen Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA), Sustainability Center, and the College of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Studies at Sac State
In this session, our panel will discuss the circular economy and how a variety of stakeholders are investing in building a more sustainable world. The discussion will highlight how academia, government, and industry are investing time, resources, and expertise to tackle this space.
Our Panel:
If you are interested in learning about additional events, workshops, and panel discussions check the full list of activities HERE.
If any special accommodations are needed please let us know at least two weeks in advance to secure the needed accommodations.