Startup founders and entrepreneurs, even in the best of times, face daunting demands and barriers every day. Nevertheless they work to build innovation and economic vitality in our region. Now, they’re also burdened with additional crushing challenges of a pandemic, economic collapse, and societal tensions. It puts an enormous strain on the mental and physical health and well-being of those in our community who the vital backbone of our economy.
Recognizing this, Compassionate Sacramento is partnering with organizations within the Sacramento startup ecosystem to provide a space for founders to feel the support of each other and the community at large through virtual community circles
Community circles are an ancient community practice where stories are collectively shared, heard and understood.
When we humans do this, we can find a way forward together in compassionate and impactful collective action and healing.
When: Mon, July 13, 2020, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM PDT
Where: Online
Online/Phone access information will be provided after you register. You will find the information in the Confirmation page that pops up immediately after you register. You will also receive a confirmation email with the information as well (scroll down the email a bit to see it).