StartupSac Warm-Up Pitch is an opportunity for near-investment-ready startups in the Sacramento region to prepare for presenting to investors. Over the last 12 months, we’ve coached 24 startups and held four pitch events that featured an investor audience. Here’s your chance to see the winning pitches! Our First place, Second place and Audience favorite companies will present in a special Warm-Up Pitch which is open to the general public. The audience will vote for the winning pitches. Refreshments will be provided.
Date & Time: Thursday, January 16, 2020, 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM PST
Location: Hacker Lab, 2533 R St, Suite 120, Sacramento, CA 95816
Presenting Companies:
e-Handoff is an online, closed loop communication system for saving lives.
Japa delivers real-time parking availability to drivers and enhanced parking analytics to parking lot owners/management.
Humaxa improves employee engagement and retention with employee feedback technology talks, listens, gathers data, and kicks off activities that have the highest probability of improving engagement. is making the “Buy it Now” button for real estate a reality with their proprietary blockchain technology.