There’s an app for that. Smartphone apps have become an essential part of our daily lives. Right now you’ve probably got dozens installed on our smartphones and there’s new apps coming out every day with the intent to improve some aspect of our lives. In fact, so many new smartphone apps come out each day that it’s difficult to keep track of them all and find the ones that you’ll really use.

Folsom-based startup, Tapp That App has set out to solve the problem of mobile app discovery by combining social networks with app marketplaces. By doing so they allow users to satisfy their curiosity and developers to take part in one of the most powerful purchase motivators around: seeing the apps their friends and influencers are using. For this episode of the StartupSac podcast I met up with the founder of Tapp That App, Charlie Hinojosa, to learn more about his startup and how he hopes to change how we discover the next great app.

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