Startup Grind Sacramento in partnership with the Urban Hive and Projectile X will be hosting serial entrepreneur, Will Bunker on October 10. Will co-founded the dating site that eventually became He has invested in over 160 companies and He currently is a founder partner at GrowthX Academy and GrowthX Capital. GrowthX Academy is an immersive 12 week boot camp in San Francisco that has programs in Sales , Marketing, and Design. GrowthX Capital is a seed stage venture capital for technology startups.

This event will be co-hosted by with ProjectileX. ProjectileX is a youth business education non-profit organization dedicated to furthering youth entrepreneurship through teaching a startups-oriented curriculum, organizing entrepreneurship conferences and networking events, empowering the youth to solve societal problems through projects, funded by our incubator, as well as putting the youth in a the driver’s seat to utilize our resources and connections and their drive to effect change in the K12 school system. ProjectileX’s programs are now in 116 schools across 12 countries.

The mission of Startup Grind is to educate, connect, and inspire entrepreneurs. At this event, there will be networking, great food, and live music! Here are the event details:

Date: October 10, 2017

Time: 6 pm

Location: The Urban Hive, 1931 H St, Sacramento, CA 95811
